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Discover The Endless Possibilities Of Element Creation


Little Alchemy Cheats: Unleash the Power of Combination

Discover the Endless Possibilities of Element Creation


Little Alchemy is a captivating game that sparks your imagination and unleashes your creativity. With over 550 elements waiting to be discovered, you'll embark on an enchanting journey of combining elements to create new ones.

The Art of Combination

At the heart of Little Alchemy lies the art of combination. Using just a handful of basic elements—fire, water, air, and earth—you'll unravel the secrets of elemental creation. Experiment with different combinations and witness the wonders of transmutation.

Cheat Sheet: Unlocking the Secrets

To enhance your Little Alchemy experience, we present a comprehensive cheat sheet that uncovers the complete list of combinations for all 580 elements. For each element, you'll find detailed recipes for its creation, along with a list of other elements it can be mixed with.

Example: From Water to Clouds

Let's consider the creation of clouds. To form this ethereal element, you'll combine two simple elements: water and air. By understanding these recipes, you'll unlock the power to create intricate and captivating elements, enriching your Little Alchemy experience.


Little Alchemy is an enchanting game that invites you to explore the boundless possibilities of elemental creation. With our comprehensive cheat sheet, you'll unlock the secrets of combination, master the art of alchemy, and embark on an unforgettable journey of discovery.

